At times you may purchase an item that is not in stock, usually through an IT error with ordering. We will process your order as is, and replace the error with another item of your choosing, by ordering online, calling the store, or when you pick up your monthly club order. If you receive delivery, order another item online, call us before your delivery date and we will replace your item for your delivery. If you receive an item in error, contact us and we will send a corrected replacement upon the next delivery day.
Gift Cards
Once purchased, gift cards are like cash and non-refundable. Upon purchasing, you will receive a downloadable e-card to the email you have provided at time of purchase. As these are like cash, Super Suppers is not responsible and will not provide a replacement or refund. Likewise, should you lose your card, Super Suppers will not provide a replacement or refund. You may download the actual e-card or simply keep it on your phone to show in store at time of purchase. Upon completion of a purchase a receipt will be issued with your new total amount (if applicable).